Epicamera News   04/09/2015 Vol: September '15
Schools are institutions established with the purpose of sharpening the mind, kindling creativity, and nurturing personal development. At least, these are the ideals of school establishment. But no matter the difference in syllabus or method of instruction, we can all agree that keeping schools safe should be the highest of priorities. Crime does not discriminate, even when it comes to our children. Crime in schools is prevalent, ranging from thefts, illegal substance distributions, kidnappings, gang recruitments, and school shootouts.
The use of reactive systems or, as some would say the ‘cure’, is no longer enough. A preventative measure is needed in order to curb violent and criminal activities from reaching schools or worse, emerging from them.
EpiCamera’s cloud surveillance solution is the perfect choice to provide the necessary crime prevention in schools.

Having the means to monitor school premises would prevent external threats from coming in. Schools are usually equipped with facilities that contain valuable items such as the computer room, science lab, and stores (cooperative, convenience, book). Without the proper security, such facilities are highly vulnerable to break-ins causing damages to property, loss of money, and a safety risk for students and school staff. A surveillance system will also act as a visitor monitoring system where traffic of people and vehicles into school premises can be recorded and viewed in real time, letting security personnel know the whereabouts of visitors.

Having a surveillance system such as EpiCamera installed at schools can also prevent internal criminal activities. Cases such as vandalism, student altercations, and discipline problems can be deterred ensuring a safe and conducive environment for knowledge acquisition.

The main concern about installing surveillance systems in schools is the cost that entails. However, with the scalability of EpiCamera, school officials, taxpayers and benefactors alike will no longer have to worry about not getting their money’s worth as they will get sufficient amount of data storage depending on the number of cameras installed and storage required. As data is stored remotely, there is no need for any local storage devices or hardware, software installation, and maintenance costs.

EpiCamera’s scalability ensures a cost-effective system while its flexibility will make installation and management a breeze. With a simple web login, security personnel and school officials can access and view camera feeds in real time or view recorded videos not only from any computer or operating system but also from mobile devices, making it a 24/7/365 system.

EpiCamera is both a tool to prevent and resolve security issues that will aid in keeping safe our children and the sanctity of schools as a learning institution. Crime cannot be tolerated. And with EpiCamera, you will have the means to teach criminals a lesson.