Epicamera News   04/09/2015 Vol: September '15
The word ‘Epic’ in EpiCamera is there for a number of reasons. The cloud-based solution is packed with features that aim to provide a holistic yet easy-to-use surveillance system that can be applied not only to large corporations but for home users as well. For this article we will be highlighting 5 of EpiCamera’s features that make it the solution you want and need.
As a cloud-based solution, EpiCamera can be accessed at all times from any part of the world where an Internet connection is available. Because there is no software installation required, you are not bound to any single device or operating system. All you need is a web browser and you’re good to go. And to make it even better, your smartphones and tablets can also access EpiCamera with the mobile app designed for your Android and iOS devices.
To ensure users get the best service, EpiCamera allows a great deal of configurations for the cameras and the cloud system. In the My Settings page, users can configure settings such as selecting the time for footages to upload to EpiCamera’s cloud storage, choose to receive Camera Down notifications, select third-party backup storage such as Youtube or Google Drive, and generate a floor plan to mark you cameras’ locations in your premise.
EpiCamera lets you view your camera through various options. Under the My Camera feature, the Live View lets you see the stream in real-time while with Playback you can browse your saved video feed where you can select the timeline points to view for that particular time. You can choose to view the feed from only one single camera or also from multiple cameras at once via the Quad View (4 cameras) or Multi View.
Evaluating your systems performance comes easy with the My Report feature. There are two types of reports, which are the Statistic and Graph reports. In Statistic, the number of image captured per camera can be viewed as well as the status of each camera whether they are Active or not. Motion alerts will also be displayed for cameras with motion detectors. The Graph report shows the image per hour each camera captures as well as the Downtime Graph, where you can view the times when your camera is not operational and there is loss of video feed.
Whether it’s an IP camera or even a webcam, EpiCamera supports thousands of camera types and models with built-in FTP features and a functioning MJPEG stream URL. Find out the best camera for your system from the list of supported cameras.
And those are the 5 features of EpiCamera that you should know. Of course, there are more features and benefits of EpiCamera, which you can learn about by visiting our EpiCamera website or check out our monthly newsletter.